Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Immigration Consultant?

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) are licensed professionals who can act on behalf of a client who makes an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. RCICs are regulated by The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants. They are required to uphold the standards of conduct outlined in the Code of Ethics to protect the public from unethical or incompetent practice.

Do Immigration Consultants have training?

Immigration Consultants are required to complete an approved education program, and language test before being eligible to write the RCIC Entry-to-Practice Exam. The exam tests candidates on three cognitive levels: knowledge and comprehension, application of the rules and principles, and critical thinking. With a total of 140 questions, exam writers have approximately one minute and 28 seconds to answer each question.

Are there any limitations to what an Immigration Consultant can do?

Immigration Consultants cannot represent applicants at Federal Court. If you want to file an Application for Leave and for Judicial Review, you must use a lawyer. In all other immigration applications or appeals, an Immigration Consultant can act as your representative. 

Should I hire a Lawyer or Immigration Consultant?

Hiring representation should feel good, this is an exciting and very important decision. Find a representative, whether a Lawyer or Immigration Consultant, who you can be honest with and trust in the advice and approach they are offering you. Don’t get pressured into signing a retainer agreement if you are not 100 percent confident it is the right decision. Some applications can take months to years to finalize and hiring the wrong representative can make the process more stressful than it needs to be. Check out our blog post for more information on what to consider when hiring a representation, click here.