Apply for Canadian Permanent Residence

NextGen Immigration can help you meet your goals for permanent residence in Canada. Whether you are a skilled worker or looking for information on family sponsorships, we are here to help you navigate the process efficiently.

Canadian Permanent Residence Programs


Express Entry Program

Express Entry is Canada’s biggest economic program and one of the fastest ways to obtain permanent residence in Canada. This program is designed to select candidates that meet Canada’s future labour market needs.


Canadian Experience Class

Temporary foreign workers or foreign students who have graduated from a Canadian university are often able to make the successful transition to permanent residence through express entry’s Canadian Experience Class Program.


Federal Skilled Worker Program

The federal skilled worker class is 1 of the 3 federal programs managed through the express entry system. Skilled workers may apply for permanent residence in Canada on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.


Federal Skilled Trades Program

With widespread labour shortages across Canada in many skilled trades occupations, the Federal Skilled Trades Program is the only federal economic immigration pathway for tradespersons.


Provincial Nominee Program

Each Canadian province, except Nunavut and Quebec, offer provincial immigration streams which may assist a foreign national in obtaining permanent residence status in Canada.


Spouse & Common-Law Sponsorship

Family reunification is one of the three pillars of Canada’s immigration system. Comprised of programs that allow eligible sponsors to bring their family members and relatives to Canada as permanent residents.


Parent & Grandparent Program

Canadian immigration policy has a long tradition of supporting family reunification. Recent and long-established Canadian citizens and permanent residents are able to sponsor their parents and grandparents to immigrate to Canada permanently.


Other Sponsorships

Unlike the more commonly known sponsorship categories, Canada also includes sponsorship of other types of relatives, such as orphaned family members under 18 or other relatives who meet the eligibility criteria.


Humanitarian & Compassionate Considerations

If you are not eligible for other categories of permanent residence, but believe you would experience unusual and undeserved or disproportionate hardship if you were required to leave Canada, this type of application may be for you.



This program is designed to help experienced home childcare providers, and home support workers relocate to Canada to work and gain permanent residency.